For many of us, pipes are associated with mysteries or men in smoking jackets. Yet these pipes have long been part of the smoking tradition, considered the oldest form of traditional smoking. The question is if these staples of the smoking community have made the transition to vaping. E-cigarettes have become a huge industry, with a variety of options. Still, for those who prefer the pipe to the cigarette, have they been left out of this growing industry? The answer is most definitely not. Throughout this article, we will discuss electronic or e-pipes and how they have grown as a segment of within the vaping industry.
Smoking (Tobacco) Pipes
The traditional pipe is made up of the bowl where the tobacco is held, the stem or shank extends out to the mouthpiece, often known as the bit. These pipes can be made of clay, hard dense woods or even minerals. When pipes are made of clay, the stem and bowl can be one continuous piece. Other materials allow for the stem to be disconnected from the bowl for cleaning or storage. These can be artistic and elegant pieces, in addition to their practical application for smoking tobacco. One can use a variety of tobacco flavors to achieve a relaxing and enjoyable smoking experience. A pipe smoker typically needs a pipe tool, which allows the tobacco to be compacted into the bowl, thus making it easier to burn because of an optimized airflow. The tobacco itself is lit by means of matches or a lighter.
What Is a Vape Pipe?
An electronic pipe or e-pipe takes its cue from the traditional pipe, by providing a bowl, stem and mouthpiece. However, instead of using traditional tobacco, the e-pipe uses atomizers filled with an e-liquid. The liquid is heated and as the user inhales, they receive the traditional throat hit of a pipe smoking experience. Within the bowl, various vape pipe manufacturers include a light that glows as the user inhales. Earlier versions of the e-pipe looked a bit fake, but as the industry has progressed, the look has become more nature.
Still, e-pipes do take some of the rituals associated with pipe smoking out of the picture. For example, there is no tamping of the tobacco in the bowl or the repeated lighting of the tobacco. Many e-pipes just require the user to push a button to begin the process of vaping. The shapes mimic traditional pipes, but they often have a lithium battery that can be recharged as necessary based on usage.
There are several different types of e-pipes, such as the Jazz. Stems can be converted from a universal adapter to one that can handle a 510 drip. For example, the Jazz electronic pipe comes with an o-ring, which is similar to the normal drip tip. E-pipes can also be fitted with stainless steel to create a slick appearance.
Some of these pipes come with an automatic switch that activates when the vaper inhales. A vast majority come with a manual switch, which allows the user to activate the device when they are ready to begin vaping.
How to Find The Best Vape Pipe?
When looking for an vape pipe that will fit your vaping needs, it is important to find one that you enjoy using. If possible, stop by a vaping store and try a sample pipe. Do you find that all the parts are fitting together well? If there are gaps or other areas of concern, that electronic pipe might not be the best fit for you. Additionally, this is not an accessory. So you should choose one based on what you like, versus what matches an outfit. It is also good to note that while buying an inexpensive traditional pipe might make it more difficult to learn how to smoke it, an e-pipe is pretty standard in their operation. If you prefer a more traditional looking e-pipe, then you will need to look for an e-pipe that mimics that look, versus having the atomizer visible.
As you will see, vape pipes can be as varied as their more traditional counterparts, giving their users plenty of ways to express their own tastes.
We suggest you to try ePuffer, the most quality ePipes producer we found in the market.
Electronic Pipe Accessories
There are a variety of accessories, including different colored bowls and stems that include the atomizer. However, it is important to note that if you want a more traditional looking pipe, you will want to choose a stem that reflects that ascetic. For those who prefer mods, there are several options to create a sleek modern look. With a variety of colors and finishes, the electronic pipe can be customized to fit anyone’s personality.
There can also be adjustments made to the voltage and wattage to create a more unique vaping experience. In many ways, the electronic pipe can be modified similar to the e-cigarette in terms of e-liquid, voltage and wattage. There are options in terms of coils and tanks.
Another option for customization is the pipe bowl and stem themselves. As with traditional pipes, there are wooden ones with beautiful carvings in both the bowl and stem. There are plenty of options for creating artistic versions of vape pipes.
Electric Pipe E-Liquid Flavors
As with e-cigarettes, vape pipes offer various flavors. While a majority of these options have a more tobacco flavoring to reflect traditional pipe tobacco, there are also sweeter choices available. These liquids come with a variety of nicotine strengths, so you can still enjoy the effects of nicotine. With electronic pipes, there is no tar or other chemicals, thus making them appealing to those who want to enjoy a pipe but not all the chemical extras.
Depending on the manufacturer, you can order e-liquids with fruit or candy flavorings, as well as more traditional menthol. The e-liquid is manufactured with much the same formula as e-cig liquids, which means they contain nicotine, flavoring and usually a combination of propylene glycol and glycerine.
Where to Buy an Electronic Pipe or E-Pipe?
Electronic pipes can be found in most vaping stores, but also there are multiple sites that offer choices online. You can choose a manufacturer who can create a customized pipe, or you can purchase a more traditional option. Many manufacturers offer starter kits with a complete e-pipe, a sample of e-liquid, one or two stems and of course the items necessary to charge your vape pipe.
Electric Pipes in The UK
E-pipes can be purchased within the United Kingdom (UK). However, if you are a resident of the U.S., companies outside of the U.S. are restricted from shipping tobacco products into the country. Therefore, it is important to make sure of the manufacturer’s country of origin, to make sure that your purchase can be shipped to you. While e-cigs and electronic pipes might fall into the gray area of not being specifically tobacco products, there are still may be potential issues in terms of quantity limits that can be purchased by an individual consumer.
UK sites also offer a variety of flavorings and various options to customize your vape pipe. Depending on the site, you may find the flavorings are made right in the UK, or they may originate from another country, including ones within the European Union (EU). Thus, it is important to remember to check where the e-liquids are made prior to purchase. Standards for e-liquids can vary depending on their manufacturing country of origin. Not all are required to make them to food grade standards, so the product you receive might not have the same consistent and robust flavor throughout the tank.
Buy Electronic Pipe Online
When it comes to purchasing vape pipes online, beginners would be wise to purchase a starter kit from their manufacturer of choice. This allows them to try out the vape pipe without a major investment. Online purchases do not allow for you to try out the product or sample a liquid prior to purchase, so be sure that you know the return policy for your specific manufacturer. If the project arrives broken or you are not satisfied, it is important to know what your rights are. This is particularly true if you are purchasing from a manufacturer or website outside of your country.
Depending on the site, there may be requirements of the types of shipping available. You might not be able to get a second day or quick delivery of your product. Thus, it is key to read all the information on shipping to your country prior to purchasing. Customs can often delay packages. A negative about online purchases is that you might have a significant wait to receive your products, while brick and mortar stores allow you to walk out with your product that day.
Online purchases can also eat into any 30 day return policy, particularly if it will be a week or more before you receive your purchases. Yet another reason to be familiar with the return and warranty policies prior to purchase.
Another item to note is most websites will not sell to consumers under the age of 18. Some sites will even require ID proving you are 18 before you can sign for your first shipment. Although, once you verify your age, the shipments can be delivered without further proof of age. Thus, new consumers will need to be aware of any shipping restrictions prior to purchase.
For those looking to move into vape pipes, there is plenty to consider before enjoying the unique experience of pipe vaping.