You should never judge a book by its cover – or in this case, a smoker by the white/grey cloud coming out of his or her mouth. Even to a veteran vapor smoker, sometimes it’s easy to mistake a harmless cloud of e-cig vapor for a haze of cigarette smoke.
Especially if you are relatively new to vapor smoking, you may be asking yourself what is the difference between the smoke produced by a cigarette and the vapor generated by an e-cig. They look so similar – so how different can they really be, right?
Well, looks can be deceiving…
It’s What is Inside that Counts
According to the American Cancer Society, cigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals. Out of these substances, approximately 70 are considered carcinogenic, including cyanide, benzyne and ammonia. Nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide are two poisonous gases that are also in traditional cigarette smoke, as well as tar.
It has also been proven that smoke may contain radioactive materials depending on the soil and fertilizer used to grow the tobacco leaves. These radioactive materials can build up in the smokers’ lungs, causing significant harm. Smoking has been linked to 30 percent of all cancer-related deaths.
In other words, cigarette smoke is ugly inside and out.
Vapor, on the other hand, has more in common with a cloud or steam than with cigarette smoke. When you have a pot of water on the stove and heat it, the water vaporizes and turns into steam. This is the best way to describe how e-cig vapor clouds are produced. The atomizer coil superheats the e-liquid mixture (comprised of mostly water, flavoring, nicotine and a PG/VG blend), which turns it into an inhalable flavored vapor. Your body absorbs the nicotine and flavoring, and the remaining water vapor is exhaled in the form of a cloud.
No odor, no toxins – just a slightly sweet-smelling vapor cloud.
Also absent from vapor smoke is carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and the combustion process that is present in smoking, which makes e-cigs a much safer alternative. With vapor smoking, there is no fire so it 100% ash and smoke-free!
If you haven’t already, we invite you to consider choosing vapor smoking as the smarter alternative to traditional smoking. Come enjoy the benefits of smoking without all of the smoke, smell and hassle!
Browse our site to learn more about how to customize your e-cigs for a truly epic vaping experience.