A bit beefier than the autodraw Novo, the Smok Nord is a still an extremely compact device. And in its current form, the Smok Nord 2, it is compatible with the original family of Smok Nord coils as well as the larger RPM coils.
One of the biggest selling points of the Smok Nord compared to the Novo is that it has swappable coils, higher wattage and a bigger battery. This makes it a great option for vapers who love max-VG eliquids. But with a wide range of coil options, it is also a great device for vaping salt nic.
In a previous edition, we examined the best RPM coils for vaping max-Vg eliquids. RPM coils are bigger than Nord coils and excel in this respect. But there are a number of extremely popular and effective Nord coils that will absolutely stun max-VG vapers with their flavor and vapor production.
The original Smok Nord is not compatible with RPM coils. The whole Smok approach of providing two pods and each being compatible with a separate family of coil designs was conceived after the launch of the original Smok Nord. We loved the original Smok Nord in our deep-dive comparison: Smok Novo versus Smok Nord. Unlike like the Novo, the Nord has a fire button and a bit more power. This power makes it better suited for vaping max-VG eliquids.
But the Nord has been superceded by the Nord, which can use the same coils and is a fundamentally superior device in every measurable way. The pod is a better design. It holds more eliquids and less prone to leak. The original Smok Nord is an excellent vape pod kit. But if you are starting from scratch, choose the Nord 2.
The Smok Nord has an 1100mAh battery, quite impressive for such a small device. The eliquid capacity is 3ml and and the output is between 10 and 15w depending on the coil and charge. The real revelation with the Nord was the 0.6ohm mesh coil. More on the coil options in a moment.
The Smok Nord 2 is almost identical in size to a Smok Nord. But it is superior in every way. It has a 1500mAh battery and an output between 1 and 40w. It can use the same coils as the original Nord and the larger RPM coil designs. It holds more eliquid and is less prone to leak. The Nord 2 pods have an eliquid capacity of 4.5ml and a classy OLED screen. If you have a Nord, it is worth the upgrade. If for some reason you are pondering which is the better fit for you, the answer is always the Nord 2. Any price difference is quickly offset by superior performance and design enhancements. There are literally no downsides when compared to the original Nord.
The wide selection of Nord coils is why this Smok refillable vape pod has proven to be a popular and versatile device. There are coils perfectly designed for vaping nic salt, as is to be expected from an open pod system. But the all-star coils that absolutely excel at drawing out the flavor of a max-VG eliquid and offer surprisingly robust cloud production for such a small device. Nord coils are sold in packs of 5 and are extremely long lasting. There is a reason these coils remain for sale years after being introduced. They are popular and simply work.
One of the coils that comes standard with a Smok Nord vape pod kit, this coil is a winner. Operating at up to 25w, this robust mesh coil delivers a subohm vaping experience in a refillable vape pod. Ideal for fans of lower nicotine eliquids and high-VG eliquids, the 0.6ohm coil is not only the best Smok p coil for max-VG eliquids but you have to look long and hard to find a better coil for max-VG eliquids period.
Overshadowed by its mesh companion, the Nord Dual Coil heats quickly and generates great flavor. It operates best at about 20w. Optimized for high-VG vape juices, this is a great coil.
Not everyone vaping max-VG eliquids is looking for maximum cloud production. There are many vapers who prefer mouth-to-lung vaping but do not want to vape high-nic strength eliquids. The Nord Mesh MTL 0.8ohm coil is perfect for these vapers. Operating at 16w, it delivers intense flavor. The narrower coil design completely changes how your Nord will perform and generates a tight draw. The lower wattage extends the life span of the coil and decreases eliquid consumption. MTL vapers will prefer this coil over its 0.6ohm siblings.