5 simple ways to reduce your nicotine intake when vaping-The easiest ways to reduce your nicotine intake

Some smokers when they start on their vaping journey want to start to reduce their nicotine intake. This can be achieved over a long period of time, or relatively quickly.

But what is the easiest way to reduce your e-liquid strength? Let’s take a look at the 5 simplest ways to reduce your nicotine intake when vaping.

What are the simplest ways to reduce your nicotine intake?
Before we tell you that, here are the steps you need to take to achieve a nicotine reduction;

1)      Commit.  That’s right, make the decision that you want to do this and why. Vaping is a way to help you get off the tobacco and nicotine for good if that is what you want. It is for you to decide.

2)      Accountability. Write is down, tell people this is what you are doing, that way they can support you. Then set a start date.

3)      Check out what devices you are using. Which ones are you most comfortable with? What level of nicotine you are using. Start from a good place.

4)      Pick a method that appeals to you – but look at who you are first*.

5)      Know when/where your stress points are. Do you need more nicotine in the morning? After work? Be aware of these, and plan for them in a way that helps you to navigate through them.

*By this we mean: Do you like to barrel through a challenge and love to keep up a fast momentum? Or do you prefer to take it steady? Knowing how you best approach a challenge and what keeps you going is more than half the battle.

The 5 simple methods. 

Method 1: The step-down approach
This is a methodical way of reducing your nicotine. Some people reduce daily, others weekly, others monthly by either 1mg of nicotine, or by moving down the pre-mixed nicotine levels, e.g 18mg/ml (1.8%), to 14mg/ml (1.4%), to 10mg/ml (1.0%), etc. You need to set the pace that is right for you.

Method 2: Diluting 
Some people simply add more VG to their existing e liquid bottle, and this naturally reduces the nicotine. Others use the same flavour e liquid but in zero nicotine, and dilute their e-liquid with that. You can simply add the zero nicotine as you use up the e-liquid.

Method 3: Going sub-ohm
Sub-ohm e-cigs vape much better with lower strength nicotine, (as in the lower ‘nic’ doesn’t rip your throat apart!). Simply switching to sub ohm immediately reduces your nicotine intake.

Method 4: Use the harsher tobacco flavors with a higher PG ratio mix
…and reduce your nicotine levels with them.  They will provide a harsher throat hit and may trick your brain into the feeling of inhaling higher levels of nicotine.

Method 5: Go DIY
Start to mix your own e-liquid, then you can step down in a way that suits you, be that by 1mg/ml (0.1%), 0.5mg/ml (0.05%), etc. You can also continue to vape the flavours you love, the ones that may not be available in the pre-mixed nicotine level you want.

A few other methods some have used: Having bottles of lower levels of nicotine and randomly vaping them, or asking friends to buy their e-liquid, include some zero nicotine and not tell them which one it is!

More nicotine tips
– You are quitting nicotine. If you only vape, you are not quitting the 4000 chemicals in tobacco cigarettes, you’ve already done that. And kudos to you!
– Give your self-time to make the changes and adjustments. They will be both mental and physical.
– Finally, be kind to yourself! Change can be challenging.