Gift-giving isn't always easy. Even if you know everything about a person, sometimes it's nearly impossible to think of what to give them. This is especially true for self-actualized people who already have everything that they like. There are tons of gifts you can give a vaper to make their life easier or their vape more fun. But what do you give a vaper who already has everything?
Fortunately, there are some vape gifts that are universally well-received. No matter whether your special vaper prefers cig-alikes or mod boxes, whether they are coil-building hobbyists or have a perfectly efficient single device, these gifts are great for vapers who already have everything they need. Or for those who you have no idea what they need. It's a pretty handy list, all told:
If you can get the make/model of your vaper's favorite device, you've got the perfect vaping gift every time: Replacement coils. The one universal truth about vape devices, no matter the type or style, is that the central piece wears out. Some models call them 'coils', some use 'cartomizers' or 'cartridges' or 'atomizers'. The different names refer to how the device works.
But all vape devices need to replace the central component every month to three months. So you can bet that your vape gift recipient will eventually need a new box of replacement coils for their rig of choice. If you have the model and know their favorite colors, you can fall back on new coils for any gift-giving.
Don't laugh; vapers who clean their coils can blow through the cheap vodka. And no, not by drinking and scrubbing. Vape coils are best cleaned by soaking them in a non-rubbing alcohol solvent. This means that fastidious vapers often use cheap vodka as a cleaning solution. Really, any clear, strong liquor would do, or ethanol if you can find it.
If you know your vapor builds their own coils or likes to clean their rig, a bottle of vodka is a hilarious, useful, and multi-purpose gift to give.
Some vapers have everything they need, and you know because you've seen it lined up neatly any time they need something. But even the most well-prepared vaper needs new e-liquid from time to time. E-liquid is an organic substance that doesn't need to be refrigerated, but it does lose its quality after a few months on the shelf. This means that vapers need to keep a constant fresh supply, which is also a good excuse to explore new flavors on a regular basis.
You can give a very friendly gift of e-liquid bottles for your vaper to try out in the next few months. When searching for flavors to gift, make sure to prioritize Max VG formulas, as PG can cause allergic reactions. Look carefully at the nicotine content. Nicotine-free (0% / 0mg) is the safest bet unless you know exactly what percentage a nic-vaper prefers.
The other constant you can rely on is technological advancement. New vape gadgets, pens, and charms are being invented every day. Some of the best vape stuff is only available from hobbyists on Etsy, but don't count the e-cig brands out for the count. They're busy perfecting the factory design for every higher quality vape devices.
Among the best vape inventions of late are stands and holders. There box-mod stands for car cup holders. There are suction cup, magnetic, and clamp stands. There are bath trays with slots for vapes. There are special screw-in stands for tanks removed from batteries. There are bendy-arm stands that can be used to hold a vape device. Get creative, pick something your vaper doesn't have yet that might be cool.
Then there's the option of not buying any vape things at all. Instead, you can take your vaping friend or loved one to lunch somewhere they can appreciate their vape right at the table. This may take a little research, but almost every city has a few restaurants with outdoor dining that permit vaping. There are even some venues that are overtly vape-friendly and encourage customers to vape at their tables.
A vape lunch or dinner can be the perfect gift for a vaper with everything.
Vape charms are decorations and accessories that can attach to a vaping device for fun. Some vapers love vape charms, some have never even heard about them. A practical vape charm can be useful to any vaper while a sentimental vape charm can be highly meaningful for vapers who already enjoy charms. Be sure to have your vaper's device model in mind when shopping for charms. Not all vapes attach to charms or can use charms in the same way.
But the most important tip is to make it personal. You can even have a custom vape charm made by the many accommodating vape-crafters on Etsy.
Another way to show a vaper in your life that you care is to make a space for them. Someone who has ever tank stand and vape tray they need at home may still need a travel kit to manage their gear elsewhere. If the vaper in question is someone you want to feel welcome in your home, your car, or otherwise in your space: Make them a dedicated vaping spot.
A custom stand is a nice way to designate a space for vape devices, bottles of e-liquid, cleaning supplies, and a little surface area for filling and maintenance. Making your vaper a space in your home in a clear sign of emotional warmth and welcome.
Finally, there's the all-purpose gift fallback that also happens to work: The gift card. The thing about gift cards is that they work great for vapers. Vaping requires a few things to be constantly replaced. Coils, wicks, e-liquid, and eventually batteries. Giving your vaper a gift card to their favorite online source for these things is like buying their next three coil re-ups or their next ten bottles of e-liquid in whatever flavors the like best.
Shopping for a vaper with everything isn't nearly as hard as it seemed. Once you understand vaping, and your vaper, the answers will soon become clear.