The excellent NCSCT (National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training) provides a lot of factual information for health professionals, including advice about vaping.
A recent update has been added regarding how Stop Smoking Services can supply vapes for clients to aid them in quitting.
The NCSCT is very pro-vaping and has worked hard to educate health professionals of the benefits of vaping so they can advise their patients.
You can read the full PDF document here – “Incorporating nicotine vaping products (e-cigarettes) into Stop Smoking Services: Making the case and addressing concerns“.
This document was produced in conjunction with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities so is Government backed!
Guide Contents
The website page states…
“This edition updates some of the evidence on safety and effectiveness of vapes. The main update, however, is information on Crown Commercial Services’ recent inclusion of new vaping product catalogues within existing public sector procurement frameworks.”
The aim of the document is to help English Stop Smoking Services make vapes available to their clients.
“It makes the case for providing nicotine vapes as a first-line option for clients alongside medicinally licenced stop smoking products, because of the known effectiveness of vaping as a stop smoking aid. It also addresses common misconceptions and concerns, and offers a checklist for the types of things to consider when deciding how services will provide clients with access to vaping products. “
A whole section is devoted to how Stop Smoking Services can procure vapes and the framework to be adhered to. Plus it shows examples of successful programmes and methods of obtaining and distributing vape equipment.
I won’t copy and paste the whole document, but it is well worth a read and make sure to share with any health professionals you know.