6 Rules of Vape Battery Safety

Vaping devices rely entirely on batteries converting stored chemical energy into electricity that atomizes e-liquids to deliver satisfying vapor. However, these same power cells risk serious safety issues through mishandling. This comprehensive vaping battery safety guide deeply explores prudent care principles for protecting both you and your vaping gear.

Demystifying Vape Batteries
To establish informed safety baselines, first appreciate what powers your device and the science behind turning e-liquids into inhalable vapor clouds.

1. The Heart of Vaping Hardware
Different battery types all share the same basic function - converting innate chemical energy into electric currents. This generates sufficient power for heating coils to vaporize e-liquid bases into a gently aerosolized mist for comfortable inhalation.

2. Common Battery Chemistries
Lithium-ion dominates modern regulated and mechanical vaping devices due to its high energy density. Newer lithium polymer cells offer comparable outputs in thinner, lighter packages. High-drain 18650 cells remain the go-to choices for mechanical setups requiring battery swapping.
Now with fundamentals established, let’s explore the critical habits that preserve safety when harnessing these miniature power plants!

Dangers of Battery Misuse
Before stepping through precise care principles, appreciate what’s at stake through negligence. Luckily, unwanted outcomes remain extremely rare through proper handling.

1. Worst Case Scenarios
Poor maintenance can slowly damage cells, eventually causing catastrophic failure through unstable short-circuiting resulting in high heat generation. This further triggers cell rupture or even ignition releasing corrosive chemicals.
2. Likelihood of Incidents
Overall, modern quality cells made by reputable brands pose very low risks, with defects estimated at around 1-in-10 million. So stay vigilant, but don’t panic! Education protects best against mistakes.

With hazards understood, adopting conscientious care ethics ever remains key to preserving safety. Now let’s explore those best practices.

Rule #1: Choosing Authentic Cells
While minor savings tempt buyers toward counterfeit cells, recognize that genuine batteries undergo extensive testing to verify advertised capacities, maximum discharge rates, and thermal stability.

1. Research Reputable Brands
As a premier manufacturer, Vaporesso utilizes cutting-edge lithium-ion and lithium-polymer battery technology in their vaping devices, adhering to the highest safety standards in the industry. This ensures reliable, long-lasting power delivery that meets advertised specifications over years of service.
2. Identify Fakes
Closely inspect cells for authentic Vaporesso branding and seals from reputable vendors. Compare rating labels, logos, and serial numbers against Vaporesso's official verification guides to spot convincing counterfeits. As small savings today risk safety down the road, authentic cells are a wise investment.
By choosing genuine Vaporesso batteries purpose-built for vaping devices, you safeguard performance and peace of mind far into the future - well worth the minor additional cost over risky fakes.

Rule #2: Protecting Cells Physically
Shield batteries from harm through proper storage, transport, and clutter avoidance during daily handling for bolstering longevity.

1. Safe Storage Protocols
Keep cells in a dedicated case when not in use, safely isolated from metal objects. Store cells separately and vertically in cool, dry locations to prevent self-discharge and leaks during dormancy, with refrigeration helping preserve depleted batteries.

2. Care During Transportation
Transport spare cells in insulating plastic cases to prevent shorts against pocket contents or bags. When traveling with a mod, remove batteries and orient them vertically in baggage, cushioned by padding. This defends against damage and leaks if dropped or compressed.
Making simple accommodations guards battery integrity against neglect or accidents outside your control. Prioritizing safety first preserves performance and avoids disruptive failures.

Rule #3: Following Charging Guidelines
Closely adhering to manufacturer charging instructions preserves battery lifespan by maintaining ideal chemical balances within cells during recharging.

1. Using Approved Chargers
Exclusively utilize chargers recommended for your specific batteries and compliant with all regulatory electrical safety marks. While overcharge protection helps avoid damage, never leave cells unattended when refueling. Further, refrain from attempting to charge non-rechargeable or visibly compromised cells.

2. Warning Signs
If cells grow excessively hot, release odd odors, or display physical flaws or swelling while recharging, immediately halt the process. Additionally, consistently recharge after adequately depleting batteries rather than perpetually "topping off” - this avoids unnecessary chemical strain over cumulative shallow cycles.
Diligently monitoring charging safeguards against mishaps while maximizing the usable lifespan through hundreds of regular cycles. Don't cut corners when recharging your batteries.

Rule #4: Routine Maintenance & Replacement
Routinely check cell condition and performance benchmarks to maximize reliable service before age necessitates retirement.

1. Checking Wrappings Integrity
Gently squeeze cells to check for leaks, and inspect wrappings for pinpricks or tears permitting dangerous short-circuiting. Immediately replace damaged cells and properly dispose of them.
2. Knowing When to Retire Cells
When maximum charges diminish below 80%, or cells get uncomfortably warm, it’s likely time to retire batteries to avoid future equipment risk. Mark older cells aside exclusively for low-drain uses.
Staying proactive with upkeep lets quality cells deliver years of optimal service until ready for environmentally-responsible, timely retirement further down the road.

Rule #5: Minding Usage Limits
Exceeding cell capabilities strains internal components, accelerating wear. Track indicators like auto-firing which signal something’s amiss!
1. Avoiding Over-Discharge
Don’t excessively drain batteries. Use regulated mods displaying the remaining charge to swap cells once levels drop below 20%. Allow discharged cells to fully recharge before vaping again.

2. Symptoms of Overworked Batteries
If devices auto-fire without input, produce weaker vapor suddenly, or don’t activate without a struggle, suspect overtaxed batteries struggling to meet output demands. Dial down power settings if such symptoms arise.
Stay in tune with equipment through gradual break-in cycles and conservative capacities to maximize battery life spans. Moderation wins again!

Rule #6: Travel Precautions
Air travel introduces unique risks from depressurization or restrictive airline rules against carrying cells. Advance preparation negates hassles.
1. Flying with Batteries
Carry a copy of the manufacturer's specification sheets. Avoid checking devices with cells installed. Transport cells safely inside insulating plastic cases to prevent shorting against other items in luggage.

2. Knowing Aviation Policies
Research guidelines across airlines and countries regarding vaping devices in carry-on bags to avoid confiscations or penalties. Exercise common sense securing gear to prevent crises in cramped cabins.

Save vaping celebrations until safely on the ground again by accounting for aviation protocols well in advance!

Prioritizing Safety Through Education
Maintaining fulfilling vaping journeys relies first and foremost on battery safety consciousness. While catastrophic failures stay improbable with reputable cells, ignoring fundamentals risks disenchanting experiences. Go forth as informed and caring vaping ambassadors by always erring on the side of caution. After all, knowledge drives lasting enjoyment regardless of if charging cells or chasing clouds!

FAQs about Vape Battery Safety

1. Why is my vape battery dying so fast?
Rapid battery life deterioration results from cumulative small strains adding up - charging improperly with a mismatched charger, letting voltages drain extremely low with each use instead of swapping around 20-30%, drawing more power in use than the cell's amp rating permits. Reevaluate habits and equipment if premature fading of battery lifespan is noticed.

2. Should I drain my vape battery before charging?
While occasional full drain /    charge cycles help calibrate battery meters, it's healthiest to swap cells when they discharge around 20-30%, before voltages drop dangerously low for the chemistry. Fully depleted cells should be recharged immediately when possible, not left in a diminished state.
3. How do I know when it’s time to replace an old vape battery?
Replace batteries that hold less than 80% of the original charge capacity or get noticeably warm when used / charged. Batteries should be retired every 300-500 charge cycles.
4. Can I use a higher amp charger to charge my batteries faster?
No, always use the correct charger for your specific batteries that adhere to the amp rating and voltage. Higher amperage charges create heat that damages batteries.
5. Why can’t I carry spare batteries loose in my pocket?
Metal items in pockets can connect the positive and negative battery ends, risking dangerous shorts and burns. Always store in a case.