While everyone waits for the Food and Drug Administration to make up their mind on how they are going to regulate vaporizers and e-cigs, other organizations are continuing to be advocates for these smokeless devices.
Here are three non-profit organizations that are staying on top of knocking down false accusations about e-cigs and are working on better communication between its members and government agencies.
The Electronic Cigarette Industry Group
The Electronic Cigarette Industry Group, Inc., or ECIG, is one of the leading providers of objective, and accurate information on electronic cigarettes. ECIG dedicates to forming communication ties, sharing reliable information about e-cigs and providing forums for members, as well as state and federal agencies.
ECIG also reports and responds to deferral and state regulatory issues, serving as an advocate for the e-cig industry by successfully transferring communication to government officials in behalf of its members.
ECIG is a trade association that promotes the highest standards in manufacturing, distributing and marketing the retail sales of electronic cigarettes. They take great pride in keeping these devices out of the hands of children.
Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association
Also known as CASAA, the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association organization was created as an answer to the anti-tobacco harm reduction groups’ efforts to ban THR products and in the belief that there is strength within their members.
Online forum members formed CASAA in 2009 as an advocacy group to raise awareness and attempt to protect the rights to access reduced harm alternatives, like e-cigs. Today, CASAA has over 8,700 members. The organization uses its members to increase its influence by organization activist efforts, writing produced harm articles and issuing statements to the media regarding positive and negative legislation.
Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association
The Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association or TVECA was established to provide the media and other legislative bodies who are currently using the e-cig industry to simply provide the scientific facts behind a new technology that has gathered large amounts of misinformation.
TVECA was also founded to institute and promote industry-wide standards with a code of conduct, and works to maintain sound professional practices and also works with governmental agencies to ensure member compliance to all state, local and federal tobacco laws.